Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mickey Mouse and Me

There is something you should know about me.  I am more of a Looney Tunes girl than a Mickey Mouse one.  Yep, I am.  I'll take Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner over Mickey any day of the week.  Anvils, beep beep, desert dust...the whole shebang.  Love them.  That being said, nobody I know is dressing up as the Road Runner or Wile E. Coyote for Halloween this year.  Not a single little person.  Strange.  

Anyway, this isn't about the Looney Tunes.  Nope, this is all about Mickey Mouse.  This will make my "loves everything Disney" grown niece Tara very happy.  

I know a little person that is going to be Mickey Mouse.  His mother was having a hard time finding the costume in our local stores.  So, I volunteered my services to make it.  How hard can it be?  Not hard at all!

Felt was my fabric of choice for most of it.  It's cheap and easily attainable.  Unless you live in my town.  Then, forget it.  You may find, MAY FIND, two pieces of the color you need.  The rest of it you'll have to travel at least 20 minutes to purchase.

The gloves were the easiestI found a Mickey Mouse glove pattern and traced it onto two stacked pieces of white felt.  I sewed on my tracing lines then cut the glove out.  
You could faintly see the pencil line, but I just turned it over and that's the back side of the glove.  I cut out three little black marks out of felt and hot glued them to the gloves.  I did this for both gloves.  Flipping the pattern of course, so you have a left hand and right hand glove.  There they are, all finished!  Yes, Mickey has four fingers or three fingers and a thumb.  Do real mice have four fingers?  I don't know.  If I see a real mouse I will scream for my husband and then jump on a chair.  (Mental note:  Google "do mice have four fingers?"  Are they even called fingers?  I'll Google that, too. )
Next I worked on his shorts.  This was super easy!  I cut out two little circles and sewed them onto a pair of red shorts.  As seen below.
Then, I added a tail by cutting a strip of black felt, which I folded over and hot glued, then stitched onto the back of the shorts.  The tail is SO CUTE!
The shoe covers were the thorn in my side.  I saw some really cute ones out there and became completely jealous of the talented seamstresses that made them.  I am not of their caliber.  AT ALL.  I made a sample one out of green felt so as to not screw up the little bit of yellow felt I had.  The green one turned out ok, so I made two out of yellow.  I made it with four pieces.  It just slips over his regular shoes.  The top piece that covers the toe area is two pieces that I stuffed with some poly-fill.  Then I used two more pieces that are sewn to the top piece and wrap around the back of his shoe.  I added a piece of elastic that runs underneath his shoe to hold it in place. 
The ears were the easiest of all.  I was prepared to make the ears out of a headband and some black felt.  But, his Mom found some cute cat ears that looked close enough to be Mickey's ears.  All I had to do to them was trim some fur around the ears and cover the pink part of the ears with black felt, which I glued onto it.  He is going to wear the ears backwards so you won't really see the felt that I used.   I don't have a close-up of the ears.  But, below is the whole costume and you can see the ears there.  
All his mother has to do is paint his nose black, add some black tights and a black turtleneck.  Transformation complete.  He is MICKEY MOUSE.  Hand that kid a plastic pumpkin and send him on his way.  (Not really, they will accompany him while he trick or treats.) 

Now its time to say goodbye to all our company. 
M-I-C, see you real soon!
K-E-Y, why? because we like you! M-O-U-S-E. 

Happy Halloween Mouseketeers!   


  1. You are the best! I know that the costume was a big hit! I'm not sure about the four-fingers mice?




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