Monday, March 11, 2013

A Dollar Well Spent...

Like a lot of you probably are, I am a Mom.  Long after the potty training ends you still find yourself asking your children, "Did you wash your hands?" upon their exit from the bathroom.  "Yesss, Mommmm" is the usual response followed by eye rolling.  Can't say I blame them...two of mine are in their 20's.  Old habits die hard for Moms.  They shouldn't feel targeted though because I am their Mom and they will forever be my children.  It's not just them I wonder about in the handwashing department.  I wonder about EVERYBODY'S handwashing skills.  Seriously, I do.  

Admit it, you've probably been in a public restroom and seen somebody exit without stopping at the sink.  Yuck, I know.  I want to say, "Ew Wash your hands sicko!" but, I don't.  I refrain.  I think it though. 

Back to our own abode, I get tired of repeating myself.  (Although, sometimes I forget what I say five minutes after I say it, so inevitably I DO repeat myself, a LOT.)   I decided it was time to place a gentle reminder for all of the visitors to the smallest room of our house.  

I  set my budget for this project low.  $1.00 plus change.  Yes, that is the budget.  This is where the "live frugal but make it look like you aren't" part of our blog factors in. 

I headed out to the Dollar Tree to pick out a frame.  It's shiny, pretty and it doesn't look cheap. 

Once home and after I got all of the glue gunk off of the frame from the sticker, I set to work on the computer making up my little message to go inside.

I used the font Tangerine for my lettering.  Not too fancy but not too plain either.  I added a scrolled decorative line between the two sentences.  Cute!
Once I was satisfied with the way I had it designed, I printed it out and cut it down to size.  I nestled it into it's little frame and it proudly sits on our bathroom sink.

Want to see it?  Here she is in all her beauty...
 ^ That is not our sink it is sitting on.  It would be cool if it was, but it isn't.  Can you imagine a brick sink?  Me either.  Well, I can imagine it, but I'm not sure if there is such a thing.It is actually sitting on our hearth because the lighting was better there.  

*Quick Google search reveals there IS such a thing as a brick sink.  Bricks and Me have a love/hate relationship right now.  You'll read more about that in the future here. 

There you have it.  The best dollar I ever spent until the day I win the lottery.    Get busy and make yourself one.  Just remember to wash your hands first.  

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